How to Get an In-House Job is Topic of NYC Bar Seminar
Transitioning from a law from job to an in-house legal position is a difficult challenge. The vast majority of the thousands of law firm attorneys I have counseled wanted to move to in-house roles. Only two — repeat, two — of my clients have wanted to move from in-house positions to law firms.
Effective Marketing for an In-House Career is the topic of a seminar being sponsored by the New York City Bar on Thursday, March 14 from 6:30 -8 p.m. p.m. at the City Bar building. I am honored to have been invited to be one of the 3 expert panelists for the event, which is open to all attorneys, whether City Bar members or not. Joining me on the dais are Anthony Bosco of Stone Turn and Adele Lemlek of Greiner Consulting.
Winning an in-house job takes knowledge, creativity and effective personal marketing. These topics will be covered in the 90-minute seminar. Since many attorneys are uncomfortable networking, promoting and marketing themselves, we will be giving some techniques on how to contain (if not overcome) those fears.
We will also be covering how to build an upwardly mobile in-house career. To be successful, in-house lawyers need to market themselves both within and outside their companies. Building “brand recognition” is just as important in moving up the in-house ladder as it is in snaring that first in-house job.
How to approach the internal marketing process, who to target, how to make connections internally and externally, and how to be perceived by the executives as a business partner will also be discussed.
The panel will be moderated by Maxwell Silver-Thompson of Murphy & McGonigle, and is being sponsored by the City Bar’s In-House Counsel Committee, co-chaired by Daniel Wiig and Jack Lermer, and by the Career Advancement Committee chaired by Laura Torchio. The event fee is $10 for NYC Bar members and $25 for non-members.
For those who are seeking to transition to an in-house job, or to move up the legal ranks, this will be an important, possibly career-changing event.