Career Strategies Group – Meet Our Team
Managing Partner and CEO, has advised Board Chairmen, Directors and CEOs of publicly held
organizations on a variety of marketing and business development issues, and has discussed
First Amendment issues over dinner at the White House. He is a former publishing, motion
picture and broadcasting executive. Early in his career, he was an award-winning editor
and nationally syndicated columnist for Gannett Newspapers. He later became Vice
President of Marketing for The People’s Choice cable TV network, and consultant for
MTV and Showtime. He then transitioned into the motion picture industry, where he
was Director of Marketing, Investor Relations and Corporate Affairs for New Line Cinema
and Director of Publicity for MGM. While a Business Analyst with Marketing Corporation
of America, Bruce consulted for companies like IBM, 3M, GE, Avon, Lorillard, and
Burger King. Subsequently, he was on the U.S. Executive Committee for BASYS, the
world’s largest broadcast automation software development firm which provided
newsroom systems for CNN, NBC, the BBC and countless others. Before founding
Career Strategies, he had been a Branch Manager and Senior Consultant for two
of the leading career development firms in the Northeast.
A noted author and lecturer on career issues, Bruce is a charter member of the Career
Management panel for the New York City Bar Association, and has been called “a leading
career expert” by the New York State Bar Association. Blackwell has presented career guidance
seminars for two annual meetings of the New York State Bar Association, and has presented
career management seminars for the New York County Lawyers Association, the Association
of Corporate Counsel, the New Jersey Bar Association, and many others. Some of his research
into legal career areas has been published by the American Bar Association. He also did a
presentation on Alternative Legal Careers for the National Constitution Center, whose
Scholarship Advisory Committee includes Law School Deans or Professors from Harvard,
Stanford, Yale, the University of Texas, plus both Princeton, and Brown. Blackwell’s presentation
was immediately followed by one made by U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer.
Barbara Berger
Consultant and President of Career Wellness Partners, has more than 20 years of HR
and managerial experience in corporate, small business and entrepreneurial organizations
and now runs a career transition practice in Pennsylvania. Barbara began her career in advertising,
then transitioned into Human Resources. As a former Hiring Manager for an HR outsourcing
company, she reviewed thousands of resumes and interviewed hundreds of candidates for
executive-level positions. She has a BA in Communications and Journalism from Shippensburg
University. Barbara earned her Certified Professional Coach and Certified Career Coach
certifications at World Coach Institute. She is a member of the National Career Development
Association, a hiring insights resource, a blogger for SAP’s Talent Connect platform,
and was a presenter at the Lehigh Valley Society of Human Resource Management
Conference in 2017 on “How to Turn Employee Career Ruts into Career Action Plans.”
Nat Caputi, Ph.D
Consultant and President of N.Caputi Associates, has more than 30 years of career guidance
experience. His background includes recruiting, outplacement, leadership training and personal
career management. A noted author and lecturer, Dr. Caputi has authored the soon-to-be-
published work, “Job Hunting: The Game and Playbook.” In addition to his work with
Career Strategies, Dr. Caputi is a career advisor for Mullin International, a global outplacement
firm, and maintains a private career guidance practice in Pennsylvania. He has worked across a
wide range of industries, with particular experience in consumer products, the luxury and
cosmetic sectors, HR, legal, aerospace and technology. Nat holds a Ph.D. and M.A. in Human
Behavior, Psychology and Religion from Drew University, and B.A. in Psychology from
Fairleigh Dickinson. He was also in the Honors Program at the Boston College Business
School. Dr. Caputi has provided career management and leadership training programs
for Prudential.