DOGE’d GOVERNMENT LAWYERS & EXECUTIVES … Unjustly Facing a Challenging Future

[Author’s note: if you are a civil service attorney or executive, please see the special offer at the end of this article. Also, this is a Special Edition. We will be resuming our regular alternate Thursday schedule starting March 6]

The way the hatchet has fallen on tens of thousands of civil servants since the Trump inauguration is unconscionable. Families are now suddenly facing wrenching hardships, and the civil service professionals whose careers have come to screeching halts must now deal with some daunting challenges for which many are ill-prepared.

What kind of job can you get if you have spent 10 years as a lawyer for a regulatory agency like the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau when Washington has decided there is no longer a need for financial regulations? What kind of job can you get as a civil rights attorney for the Department of Education when protecting civil rights is no longer a government priority and when the private sector is being (strongly) encouraged to disband its DEI programs?

A traditional path for civil service professionals when changing jobs is to link up with another federal agency or contractor. That strategy isn’t going to work today – no one knows how many more government agencies will be shut down or hacked to bits in the coming weeks. While there will certainly be opportunities for some terminated civil servants, they won’t be easy to find.

As of Feb. 20, according to the Office of Personnel Management, about 75,000 federal positions are facing elimination due to the DOGE buyout offer. OPM – which has terminated its own probationary employees — also reports that 220,000 other federal probationary employees (less than 1 or 2 years on the job) are facing the axe.

That’s almost 300,000 federal jobs that are disappearing, not including cuts at the Pentagon. And not all of the people being terminated are probationary – the USAID has been shuttered and some 10,000 staffers are now jobless. The IRS is expected to lay off thousands more workers – certainly PWC and Deloitte are not going to absorb them all!

The surfeit of experienced civil service professionals who have been let go for no reason is going to make the competition more intense than ever for other federal government jobs. Let’s face it, the Trump-Musk machine wants to dismantle the civil service, so they won’t be creating many new jobs. Not in Washington. Not anywhere. Beating the competition and winning one of those few available civil service jobs is going to be a challenge.

On a broader scale, the District of Columbia region is going to be awash with white collar job seekers, many of whom are lawyers and executives. Career change – wanted or otherwise — is a subject on the minds of many of them. Since a transition into another civil service position is less likely than in the past, a career change of a greater or lesser magnitude is to be expected for most ex-government workers.

This will not be an easy process, which is why I am here in the first place. I have been guiding white collar professionals through complex career changes and job searches for 20+ years. There may be some opportunities on the state, county, city and town government levels. Even the non-profit and academic sectors may have some spots.

The private sector can be viable, especially for former government regulators who can move to the other side, and help the regulated. How much of a market there will be in this space is uncertain, as it is expected that many current regulations are going to be eliminated – and along with them, the need for compliance counsel. Nonetheless, the private sector is going to be the best bet for many discharged government attorneys and executives.

But there is another problem here: The perception of government workers. Public sector workers are often portrayed as lazy, incompetent and even evil, according to a Department of Justice Programs study.

Recent studies say civil servants are seen as “inflexible, boring, lazy, and go home on time.” This is complete bull poop. I have had the privilege of working as a career mentor to many, many public sector lawyers and executives. As a group, I have found them to be among the brightest and most dedicated, conscientious clients I have ever served. They take their work seriously and are there – often at great economic sacrifice – to help others, serve their communities, and to try to make the country better.

But the negative perception is real.

I experienced it myself early in my career when I was trying to make the transition from being an aide to the US Congressman to getting a job in the private sector. I thought the fact that I was working on legislation, researching complex issues, solving all sorts of problems for constituents, writing speeches and position papers – all of this – would result in the corporate world greeting me with open arms. Boy, was I wrong.

I had to fight my way past many misperceptions about government workers – the concerns mentioned above and more! – until I was able to get a private sector job. To this day, I remember my colleagues both in DC and in the District Office, as being among the smartest, hardest- working and dedicated people I have ever worked with. I felt honored to be working with them.

Fast forward a few decades-plus. Today, I am currently the part-time Executive Director of a state-funded consumer advocacy NGO. My personal practice, Career Strategies Group, has been very good to me, so my work as a contractor with the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office is my way of giving back and helping others. Once again, I have found the state government professionals with whom I work to be an extraordinarily talented, caring and hard-working group of individuals.

The Special Offer: I am offering a free guide specifically for Trump-Musk civil service victims to help them get started on their job searches, and to deal with some of the stresses of a sudden and undeserved job loss. This not something I will be putting together in a slap-dash manner – I am going to prepare something useful, thoughtful and original. It will take time to complete, but if you would like to reserve a copy, please email me with the word “Guide” in the subject line. I will also make myself available for a no-cost 30-minute consultation to discuss your job search questions.

If you are an attorney and you’ve been thinking about exploring your career options and or discovering “what else is out there” for you, but are not sure how to even start the process, get in touch with our team today for a virtual cup of coffee. You will receive a confidential, no-cost consultation to discuss your situation and goals, and will also get expert advice on how to launch your job campaign.

If you would like to continue receiving Beyond the Bar Newsletter every 2 weeks, make sure to hit subscribe to stay up to date. If you have any questions about your career, click here

I wish I did, but I didn’t

When I was a sophomore in college, I sat down one evening and I made a list of all the things I wanted to do in my life and my career. I literally made a list. And I’ve done most of them.
For the last few decades, I’ve made a living showing other people how they can have lives and careers that have meaning and fulfillment, and how they can check off the things on their bucket lists that they never thought possible. I’ve checked off many of mine. But I keep getting new ones.

As the Frank Sinatra song goes, “I’m in the autumn of my years.” That’s bull and I’m kidding myself. I’m in the winter of my years. That’s not a bad thing. The problem is that I have become painfully aware of time. I don’t know how much more I have. Neither do you. Neither do any of us.
My biggest fear when I was a young man was that I would end up an old man walking along the beach and saying, “I wish I had done this, and I wish I had done that.” Thank God, I can’t say that. There’s not much I haven’t done that I set out to do.

To call upon Sinatra again, “regrets, I’ve had a few. But then again, too few to mention.” For the most part, it’s all been pretty good. But there is so much left I want to do. I’m discovering new things about myself that are opening up new possibilities. All of the sudden I have become funny. All of the sudden, I can write poetry. All of the sudden, after taking really, really bad snapshots all my life, I have developed a photographer’s eye. I am good enough to get my pictures published.

I have plans to set up a new non-profit company whose goal is to bring folk music of the ‘60s and ‘70s to a new audience of young people. I have reached out to some big-name folkies from days past, and they are interested. One of them is 83 and is still playing at small venues. I am nowhere near that age, but I do see obits for guys in their 60s when I pick up the Sunday paper. If I am going to be a folk impresario, I need to start soon before it’s too late … for the singers, or for me.
For those of you in the autumn of your years, your 40s and 50s, you can have a great future if you want it. I have found the “winter of my years” to be an amazing time of growth. During this period of my life, I have taken the reins and revitalized a bar association as its Executive Director. I have moved into public service and run the consumer advocacy program for a non-profit contract agency working for the Attorney General.

I am working on a book. I go out and do speeches on consumer rights and take pride in my new-found ability to educate, inform and entertain an audience, something I never thought I could do. This is all “second chapter” stuff, things I have been doing when I am supposed to be past my prime.

I am really nothing special. I’m not like some of my clients who were cum laude Harvard undergrads and Harvard Law School Law Review Editors. Like most of you, I am just a guy. But I can’t say about my life, “I wish I did, but I didn’t.” Can you?

If you are an attorney and you’ve been thinking about exploring your career options and or discovering “what else is out there” for you, but are not sure how to even start the process, get in touch with our team today for a virtual cup of coffee. You will receive a confidential, no-cost consultation to discuss your situation and goals, and will also get expert advice on how to launch your job campaign.

If you would like to continue receiving Beyond the Bar Newsletter every 2 weeks, make sure to hit subscribe to stay up to date. If you have any questions about your career, click here.

Washinton State Says: Bye Bye Barbri

Court Says Bar Exam Not Needed to get Admitted to Practice Law

By Bruce Blackwell

I like standardized tests. Maybe because I am good at them. One of my sons, who is just as smart as I am
(he’ll say smarter) isn’t so good at them. Some of my brightest clients failed multiple times before they
passed the bar. I appreciate that there are very intelligent people who simply don’t test well, but…here’s
the fact: standardized tests are a reasonable way to measure competence. OK, maybe not always – maybe
they are a reasonable way to measure incompetence. But they do provide an even playing field.
In its magisterial wisdom, the Supreme Court of Washington State has ruled that one need not
take, let alone pass, a bar exam to be admitted to practice law there. Oregon made this change at
the start of this year. Other states are considering similar moves.
In Washington State, DEI was cited as one of the reasons for no longer requiring an exam to
practice law. California is considering DEI as a reason to offer alternatives to the exam to “avoid
the heavy expense of preparing for the traditional bar exam, a burden that falls disproportionately
on historically disadvantaged groups, including first-generation graduates, women and
candidates of color.”
I am as big a believer in DEI as anyone walking. I have battled for civil rights, voting rights, and
human rights, and still have the scars to prove it. But a bar review course runs anywhere from
$2200 to $3500 – that’s far from pocket change, but certainly not an exorbitant price of entry for
a professional career.
Passing the bar exam means a person has achieved an acceptable level of competence about the
law, just as medical boards establish a base line of expertise for doctors and the CPA exam does
for accountants. These exams tell clients that the professional they are engaging has a proven
threshold of knowledge.
Cost should not be a reason to waive the need to pass a qualifying exam. Rather than waiving the
exam, why not create a financing method to reduce the financial strain of taking the darn test?
That’s an answer, but it’s not the best or only answer, as I will explain in a minute.
This ruling has nothing to do with fairness. Are they saying that people of color and women can’t
pass a test? My wife would go bat sh*t crazy if I told her she’d get a break on a qualifying exam
simply because she was a woman. My immigrant grandfather, a first-generation graduate school
attendee, would never have accepted an opportunity to skip the exam that other, more well-
established people had to pass to get licensed.
This new ruling is precisely the opposite of fair to the very people it is intended to help. It gives
them a pass, and is disrespectful to their skills and hard work.

The bar exam waiver is most certainly not fair to the poor schnook from Spokane who hires a
lawyer who became an attorney because of the kindness of strangers –the attorneys who, under
this new ruling, agree to oversee budding lawyers for the required six months or 500 hours. Are
these overseers really paying attention and mentoring? Are they spending any time at all
supervising and teaching? All they really have to do is sign off on the hours the applicant
worked, with or without being mentored.
Under this ruling, in Washington State prospective lawyers need to have attended law school to
qualify for the non-bar-exam admission program. The exception is for law clerks, who can get
admitted without going to law school; they just need to complete some standardized courses and
roughly 10-12 weeks of work as a legal intern. That’s it.
I have 30 years of counseling lawyers on business management and career issues. Most of them
said they were fearful about taking the bar exam, and put in hours of serious study to pass the
test. But almost universally, they have told me they didn’t learn anything about practicing law
while in law school.
Washington State got it wrong. It’s not the bar exam requirement that should be removed. It’s
law school!
I have long been a believer in “reading for the law.” That’s how Abraham Lincoln did it. And
John Marshall. And John Jay. Lincoln even served as a bar examiner and determined who would
be admitted. Prospective lawyers back then needed to prove to experienced lawyers that they
were competent.
I have met many a law clerk and paralegal who knew more about law than the person for whom
they worked. I would rather hire them to represent me than the boss in the larger office. But first,
let them study and pass a test – if they do, they should be able to skip having to pay $100,000+
for law school.
The current attorney admission process is dysfunctional. It creates economic and practical
barriers to those who are not from privilege, or who don’t have the money or the three years
away from life to attend law school.
Those who feel passionate about law should be allowed to “read for the law,” study, then pass a
test to prove they remembered what they read and to demonstrate their competence.
How do you feel about this subject? If you agree with me, let me know. If you think I have my
head in a place where the sun doesn’t shine, also let me know. Are there better ways of handling
the bar admissions process? What are your ideas? All feedback is welcome. Send your thoughts
to I will post selected comments on my website.

lawyer alternative career path

Have a Legal Degree but Looking for an Alternative Career? Let us Help

While studying to become a lawyer, you may have thought that obtaining a qualification in the legal industry would allow you to be a part of several exciting court trials. However, several lawyers quickly find that they become entrenched in the daily grind of ensuring that the correct paperwork and legal advice is provided to their clients – in many cases, they seldom see the inside of a courtroom that often anyway.

If you’ve been feeling disillusioned with your chosen career path as an attorney, help is available that can assist you with changing career paths. Take a look at the services we can provide in this regard.

Help you Identify Practical Career Options

You may be thinking that you’re stuck with being a lawyer until the day you retire, but this is not the case. Several career paths exist for individuals who have various types of law/legal degrees, meaning that you’ll easily be able to try your hand at something new as soon as you’re ready.

Our team of experts will be able to provide you with the guidance and advice needed to ensure that you make the right career change.

Assist with Compiling a Professional Resume and Cover Letter(s)

These days, job vacancies often see dozens, if not hundreds of applicants, sending in their resumes for each available position. As a result, it’s crucial that you know how to present yourself as effectively as possible when applying for jobs in a new career field. Our career counselors are known for preparing resumes that stand out to recruiters for all the right reasons.

Providing Job Search Coaching

Our team of professionals can provide you with career counseling and mentoring that will help ensure that you search and apply for positions that are going to be an excellent fit for your existing qualifications and experience. This will help prevent you from wasting time applying for positions that will not be the most suitable for you.

Preparing you for Interviews

Before applying for any new job, it’s imperative that you know what to expect with regards to the actual interview process. You’ll be shown how to answer some of the most commonly asked questions by recruiters and HR managers, and our team will even be able to provide you with advice regarding how to negotiate the best possible salary and compensation package possible.

Resume Distribution

After deciding to change careers, one of the aspects you’ll spend the most time on will be applying for suitable jobs. Our ‘Job Search Made Easier’ programs can help you save a substantial amount of time in this regard because we have numerous resources available to help you get in contact with the right recruiters and recruitment companies. 

If searching for an alternative career path has left you feeling anxious and overwhelmed, look no further. Our range of job searching, interview preparation and resume submitting services will help save you time, money and a lot of unnecessary stress. Contact us today to find out more. 



5 Reasons why More and More Lawyers are Interested in Career Counseling


Although many people are excited about becoming lawyers, and many practitioners large numbers of individuals are still aspiring to become lawyers and are studying towards this goal, several others who have already qualified are realizing that they have become extremely dissatisfied with their chosen careers. As such, here are just 5 of the main reasons why more lawyers than ever are now seeking career counseling.

  1. They Work Long and Demanding Hours

Lawyers are known for having to work for longer and more demanding hours than individuals in a number of other professions. It’s very seldom that a lawyer will actually be able to only work from 9 to 5 Monday to Friday because they not only need to spend many hours preparing for each case they take on; court deadlines and demanding clients often mean that lawyers will miss out on a lot of family and leisure time. 

  1. Their Schedules are Determined by Others

An aspect that many lawyers seeking career counseling have mentioned that makes their working days unbearable is the fact that they have virtually no control over their daily schedules. Being subject to demands from the courts, law firm partners and clients can be extremely frustrating because it means constantly having to rearrange their schedules. 

While some lawyers thought that opening their own practices would help lessen the demands on their schedules, it often made matters even worse because they found that they’d have to get everything done themselves. 

  1. Extreme Pressure and Stress

In addition to the long working hours, attorneys have to deal with the constant and intense pressure of trying to be everything to everyone with each case they’re working on – while also encountering other extremely serious issues along the way. 

This type of working environment results in extremely high stress levels and over time, it becomes extremely unbearable for many lawyers – causing several of them to seek out alternative career paths

  1. Constant Arguing between Parties

While stress is totally unavoidable in the legal industry, a large amount of results from the constant arguing that takes place between all parties concerned that are working on a specific case. 

Along with having to argue over matters such as precedent and case facts in court, there’s the daily struggle of dealing with legal matters in general such as when depositions should be scheduled and determining the amount of times each side will be allowed to make document requests, for instance. While some individuals thrive in this type of environment, many find that it becomes too much to handle. 

  1. Sheer Boredom

Most legal work that attorneys need to do each day is downright boring and anyone who attended law school thinking it would involve frequently executing cross-examinations and giving regular opening and closing arguments in court is in for quite a surprise to hear that this is not the case. The reality is that few cases make it to trial and many lawyers have never even been able to try a case. 

If you’re an attorney and you’ve been feeling disillusioned with your career choice, you may want to consider opting for career counseling. Chances are that there is an alternative career path that you’ll even enjoy. Contact us today to find out more about your options in this regard. 

Alternative Careers for Lawyers

Alternative Careers for Lawyers – Possible Positions to Make you Happy Again

Many attorneys think they will have to continue practicing law until they retire because that is the field they have studied and the practice of law is what they know how to do. Wrong thinking!

There are a number of alternative career options available for lawyers who may be considering the prospect of making a change. Here are just a few options.

  1. Recruitment and Human Resources

This industry is always searching for highly knowledgeable employees, and what better candidate to hire than one who already possesses the required assessment, organizational and people skills needed to ensure that the right candidates are hired?


The Recruiting field has two different tracks: one is as an independent recruiter, or headhunter, with a search firm. The other is to be an in-house recruiter. The former is a wonderful position for attorneys who like to generate business and close deals – the money can be amazingly good and the work can be very fulfilling.

If you are not too keen on becoming a recruiter, there is the option of working in a human resources capacity,  because it will allow you to use your analytical, persuasive, and interpersonal skills in a way that will help a company achieve its hiring goals. Obviously, attorneys with a background in labor or employment law will have an edge in the HR job market, but others without that background can develop a knowledge base by taking some training courses s offered by the Society of Human Resources and other professional associations.

  1. Academia and Teaching

If you are one of those people who enjoyed your time at college or law school, you may be able to continue working in a similar environment as a teacher or university lecturer. Although you will almost certainly be required to have a master’s degree to teach in public school and a Ph.D. to be a college professor, Adjunct Professor positions in colleges and law schools do not have this requirement, and you can also obtain teaching positions at private schools. You may mind that becoming a teacher or lecturer will provide you with a sense of satisfaction that could never be found while working as a lawyer.

  1. 1+2=3. HR + Teaching = Professional Development (aka Knowledge Management)

For those who don’t want to go the HR route, and/or who don’t want to take the salary reduction that almost certainly would accompany a job as a teacher or college lecturer, there is a position that wraps into one job elements of HR and Teaching: Professional Development. This is a growing field and becoming increasingly important in the business world. Professional Development involves working with employees to improve their practice area skills, like research and writing, and areas specific to their daily tasks.

Professional development, though, also includes mentoring and teaching lawyers about how to develop their “soft” skills, like team building, leadership, interpersonal communications, and more.

This is a highly paid position that exists in law firms as well as in corporate America.

  1. Project Manager

A project manager’s main role is to ensure that each project he or she is overseeing is completed by deadline and done so according to predetermined goals and requirements. As such, your existing problem solving, organizational and time management skills will come in extremely handy. If you are someone who enjoys seeing a project through to completion, this could be an ideal role for you. While attorneys may not have actually managed “projects,” the reality is that each case is a project and has multiple moving parts.

  1. Content Writer

Content writers are individuals who write material for various companies, and it can be in the form of short or long-form content. Although this is not considered as a senior position, it can be ideal for attorneys who are interested in researching a range of topics and then writing about them. Content writers are used for websites, blogs, corporate communications materials, investor relations materials, and corporate business presentations, among other areas.

A related area is that of writing for a legal publication. There are legal journals and information published by Bar Associations. Many legal organizations require content writers who have more than just a basic knowledge of law, meaning that this could be a great fit for you.

  1. Career Coaching for Law Students and Young Professionals

Do you remember how clueless you felt in law school about how to find a job and get your career started after graduation? Almost certainly, after the initial blush of actually being a lawyer wore off, you were probably quite shaky about how to develop your legal career. If these areas appeal to you, you can build a very satisfying and lucrative position as a mentor to law students and young attorneys. This will often involve helping them set goals and career objectives, reviewing their resumes, teaching them how to prepare for job interviews, finding ways to help them overcome any self-confidence issues, and helping them launch their careers on a solid platform with a clear career trajectory.

If your position as a lawyer has been leaving you feeling emotionally drained and stressed, one of the above career paths may prove to be a viable option for you. There are literally hundreds of other types of positions for which your legal background would qualify you. Contact us today if you are an attorney who would like to find out more about your realistic career options and alternative career paths.

career advice for lawyers

Career Counseling for Lawyers – Questions you Should be Asking During your Consultation

Although some lawyers love their jobs,  a large number of others find they are either burned out or have become bored with their careers. In a recent survey, the ABA found 50% or more of practicing attorneys are unhappy in their jobs. These people often wonder whether they will have to stick it out until it is time to retire or if it will be possible to make a career change, and either move into a more rewarding practice area or into a job that involves being more on the business side.

If you are one of the 50%-plus of legal professionals who are unhappy and are considering their career options, you should consider enlisting the advice of a qualified career mentor. Here are some questions you should ask when interviewing potential career coaches.

What Experience do you have in Assisting Lawyers who want to Change Careers?

Now is the time to remember that not all career counselors and recruitment companies are created equal – while some will assist individuals from all career areas, others such as Career Strategies Group, specialize in lawyers, and in mentoring attorneys who want to change careers or reposition themselves within the law.

Since lawyers possess unique skill sets and specialized knowledge within their practice areas, it is often challenging for them to know what else they are qualified to do, how to conduct an alternative career job search, and how to re-career without taking a pay cut. Enlisting professional assistance is a good way to find alternative employment, while still being able to use the skills and knowledge you have acquired in the legal industry.

While any competent career coach can be helpful, attorneys seeking to pursue alternative careers should look for guidance from specialists in this field.

What Services do you offer that will Help me Change Careers?

Not all career management professionals offer their clients the same services to help with their career transitions.

During your discussion with a potential career consultant, you should inquire about the services that they claim to offer. For instance, do they send you some standardized career assessment tools, or do they have instruments designed specifically for lawyers? Do they have off-the-shelf program packages or do they customize their proposals for each client? Do they just provide written or video materials on job search, or do they coach you individually on job search Best Practices? Do they offer broad-brush programs or do they help you select the specific services you need? How much time do they spend with you upfront to assess your needs before trying to make a sale?

It is also very important to ask if they offer services such as professional resume and cover letter writing, or if they just critique your original document? What experience do they have in preparing career change resumes? How do they handle your LinkedIn profile development? Who actually does the writing for you? You should also ask about the range of services they offer, such as career coaching, job search methods, personal marketing plans, interview preparation, and ongoing support. Can they do resume distribution for you to recruiters or venture capital companies? How do they help you prepare for interviews?

What is your approach on Networking?

A critically important question to ask is about their view on networking. Lawyers very often say they either do not have networks,  can’t use their networks for fear of discovery, or are simply uncomfortable asking people for favors.

Many career consultants base their programs on networking. A very few, like Career Strategies Group, have job search methods that don’t rely on traditional networking. Despite what some coaches say, traditional networking – asking friends and colleagues if they know of opportunities for you – is NOT the best way to find a new job.

How Can I Show my Qualifications if I don’t have Direct Experience in the Field in which I’d Like to Work?

It is particularly important to be honest with your potential consultant about how clear or cloudy you are about what you want to do next professionally. If you are rock solid certain about what you want to do, there are more coaches who can help you. If you are not certain or don’t have a clue about what else is out there that you would like to pursue, there are far fewer qualified coaches.

If you are not certain about exactly what you want, you will need a career coach who has substantial experience using tools that will help you see not only what you would like to do and what would be a good “fit” for you, but also what you can actually get hired to do and paid what you need to earn.

Coaches who do career testing often use tools that gauge your psychological makeup and skill set, but which are incapable of addressing marketability and whether you can in reality get hired to do a job you would like. That is a very specialized area in which few coaches are qualified. Make sure your coach can help you clarify your goals and create a real-world career path for you. For a basic overview of alternative legal careers, click this link, and get a copy of  “Caught by the Law? A Guide to Alternative Legal Careers” will be sent to you free of charge.

A key to a successful career change is to have an experienced consultant who will prepare compelling personal marketing materials for you in such a way that it will appeal to the right recruitment manager and show the full scope of your contributory abilities. In many cases, truly smart employers will be willing to help with the learning curve of a candidate if they can demonstrate firm communication skills, professionalism, intelligence and drive.

There are many good coaches out there, but no one coach is right for everyone. When it comes to your career and your specific situation, you should find a coach who has the knowledge of the law, the transferability of legal skills into non-legal roles, and who has the range of services and direct experience on point to help you.

Contact us today if you are a legal professional and are interested in exploring your career options and finding a job that you actually enjoy, that is fulfilling, affords a quality of life, and pays well. We look forward to speaking with you.


career change lawyer

Career Change for Lawyers – Tips from an Industry Expert

Regardless of the stage of your legal career, the prospect of taking a new career path, either elsewhere within the law or in business, academics or the non-profit world, can seem quite daunting. However, the fear can be greatly reduced, and the process made painless, by enlisting the help of a professional consultant who specializes in alternative legal careers. Below are some expert tips that will help get you started with your exploration of career options.

Work with Someone who Specializes in Career Changes for Lawyers

Although several companies and numerous coaches assist people with making career changes, most of these are general practitioners who work with all kinds of executives. Very few have the expertise required to deal with attorneys who wish to make a move or to consider their real-world options.  Other lawyers are not necessarily the best resource as coaches – they may know the law, but not much about personal marketing or how hiring decisions are made in the non-law firm world.

Career Strategies Group, founded in 1992, has extensive experience assisting legal professionals who are considering changing careers. The organization has worked with several thousand attorneys on a career change and alternative job search,  and as such, has a number of resources available to assist with the process. These include providing candidates with viable career alternatives, career coaching, career change resumes, job search strategies, interview preparation, and personal marketing plan to guide their searches.

Don’t Attempt the Process Alone

Although it may be relatively easy for some people to change career paths on their own, this is not usually the case with attorneys. The old saying, “A lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client” is very apt here. Attorneys have very specific skill sets that often neither they nor the hiring community, can readily see as being relevant to non-legal positions. This is a critical mistake. The same skills that make you good at being a lawyer can qualify you for high-level non-legal jobs. An experienced legal career transition professional can help you, and the marketplace, see why you are qualified for positions that you have never held before. This involves an understanding of legal skills and the needs of the non-legal market. An experienced consultant, like those at Career Strategies Group, can help make this “skills translation” easy.

Amend Social Media Profiles

After setting up their social media profiles on sites like LinkedIn, many lawyers forget about their online presence. Lawyers, in particular, were initially very reluctant to promote themselves on social media. Even today, many attorneys have very sparse profiles. Big mistake. An effective social media presence is one of the most critical components of a successful job search or career change. Also, when creating or amending your profile, make sure that it reflects your relevant skills and experience. If you are a litigator and want to get into the business side of things, your profile should focus on your managerial and multi-tasking skills, not your courtroom victories. Be sure you are marketing the “right” product.

Your professional social media profile should include a clear head shot, up to date contact details, and information that will show your target market what you bring to the table that will be useful to them. If you are between positions, you should make it clear about the types of positions you are searching for. If you are still employed and need to keep your search close to the vest, you can still modify your profile so it focuses on the skills you have that are valuable to the type of position you want.

Have your Resume Professionally Updated

Recruitment experts all agree on one thing – resumes should stress results, not just practice areas and responsibilities. The hiring community indeed needs to know your duties and responsibilities, but what we really want to know is how well did you exercise those duties? What problems did you solve? How did you solve them? How did you help your clients or your firm? This is what separates the winners from the also-rans in a job search. Many attorneys take their daily work for granted and have a hard time coming up with accomplishments. A consultant who understands the ins and outs of what you do as an attorney, and who can help you identify your successes, is worth their weight in gold.

Career Strategies Group specializes in designing and writing career alternative resumes for lawyers. They also prepare special cover letters for each market: employers, recruiters, networking contacts, and venture capital or private equity firms. Each market requires a different form of a letter. One size definitely does not fit all when it comes to personal marketing. A professionally written resume and cover letter will help show your true value and standout from the clutter of the dozens or even hundreds of resumes that are received for a single position.

If you are an attorney or lawyer and you’ve been thinking about exploring your career options and or discovering “what else is out there” for you, but are not sure how to even start the process, get in touch with our team today. You’ll receive a confidential, no-cost initial screening call to discuss your situation and goals. We do not accept all candidates as clients; if you meet our requirements and are deemed a suitable match for our services, we will have a second, no-cost call to do a deeper dive into your situation. Once we have enough information about your case, we can advise about how we can help you overcome your obstacles and move into a new career area that will provide the challenges, rewards, and work/life balance that you are seeking.

Blackwell to give networking seminar for NY State Bar 6/25 10am

I am honored to have been asked to present a seminar on networking for the New York State Bar Association. The webinar takes place Thursday, June 25 at 10 a.m. Eastern Time. It is free to NYS Bar members. For more information or to register, click here:

I personally was a networking hater, for many of the same reasons that you hate it. I have gotten smarter with age, and have learned how to create and use a network painlessly.  I am so sorry that I didn’t start doing this sooner, but better late than never! It’s not to late for you, either!

Don’t have a network? Don’t know how to use it? Aren’t getting the results you expected from your contacts? This seminar will give you 3 steps that are so easy even the most introverted and reluctant attorney can immediately start building a powerful personal network.

The program is an hour, will be both informative and entertaining, and can be 60 minutes that can change your life.

FYI, the event is also available to non-members of the NYS Bar, but there is a $100 fee (I don’t get that money – this is pro bono!)

Hope to “zoom” you Thursday!

Coronavirus Cuts – Accept a Pay Cut or Look for a New Job?

I had someone ask me the following question today about his cousin’s situation:

Q: “What if, due to the virus, your employer is furloughing the majority of staff, but is keeping you on at a 20% pay cut. If it took you 5+ years to make that 20% you are losing, won’t taking the pay cut  affect your marketability and ability to negotiate to get your original salary back at your next job? Or do you think it would be difficult to get your current salary if you were furloughed anyway?”

A:As for your cousin, I would tell him to SHUT UP AND BE GRATEFUL.  We are going to be getting into very, very difficult economic times. “Furloughs” are going to be turned into firings and many companies are going to be folding. He should be grateful he was deemed valuable enough to be kept on. Law firm partners, associates and staffers are all taking pay cuts now — some up to 50% — and the same holds true for the corporate world. I’d rather have 80% of something than 100% of nothing!”

The truth is that no one knows what the economy will be going through, or what’s going to be happening on the job market. We don’t know how long this situation will last.

You may be upset that your salary was cut, but many, many people – millions in fact, including attorneys and white collar executives – are going to be looking for new jobs. With companies and markets in economic chaos, there won’t be many new jobs out there and the competition for them is going to be unlike anything we have ever seen before.

I make my living by helping people find new jobs, but if you already have one, I’d hold onto it as tightly as you can. It’s not pleasant out there.

If you have been furloughed or laid off, I can help you compete in this very complex market. We are even offering up to 50% off our services for those who have suffered job loss because of Coronavirus. For the rest of you, hunker down and be as indispensable as you can to your firm.