An Animated Video From Career Strategies Group

Browse thousands of local job opportunities on our Career Strategies Group website. You can search open positions by location, occupation, company name or travel distance by plugging in your zip code. Job listings are updated daily so check back often.
Specialists in Attorney & Executive job search and career change. Are you sick of billable hours, your quality of life, or hate your job? We’re here to help!
Bored, underchallenged, overworked, unappreciated? If you don’t know who to turn to or what your options are, Contact Us Today!
Whether you are looking for a new job or a new career, Career Strategies Group can help. You can schedule an initial “get to know you” call, or can leave your details and we will get back to you. You can also send us your resume or personal note. All calls and resumes are treated with the utmost confidentiality.
We can help you determine your viable career alternatives and options, and then our career coaching professionals can provide the resources, information, techniques, job search strategies, life-coaching guidance and tools necessary to help you achieve your career objective.
Let us help you land a great new Attorney or Executive position today!