Career Strategies Group serves all 50 States, as well as Canada, Europe, Israel and the Middle,
the Caribbean region, Latin America, the Pacific Rim and Asia.
For clients based here in the U.S, we can help you whether you are looking for a job near your home or are seeking to relocate. In some cases, we can help you if you are looking for a job overseas. We have helped our U.S. based clients obtain jobs in the U.K. and Ireland, Russia, Dubai, Israel, Guam, France, Italy and Japan, to name just a few.
Domestically, we have helped in attorney job searches and executive job searches in California, Washington State, Oregon, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Illinois and the middle American states, Tennessee, and the deep South. The majority of our attorney career change and executive job search clients are from the Eastern Seaboard, from Florida to Boston and the New England region.
If you are in need of a professional resume, career testing and assessment, job search coaching or interview preparation, we can help you regardless of where you live.
For those living abroad, whether ex-pats or foreign nationals, we provide assistance in obtaining positions in the United States. Our Job Search Made Easier tools are often quite helpful for those living overseas but who are looking for jobs in America. We have a full range of resources to help overseas clients conduct effective, efficient job searches in the U.S. in absentia.