Get the Competitive Edge
Monetizing Your Career Portfolio
For those lawyers who wish to remain attorneys but who seek to find similar positions in-house or with another law firm, or executives who wish to remain in their same function but with a new organization, we have developed a special program: “The Competitive Edge.”
If you are the GC of a public company and are seeking to be the Chief Legal Officer of another public company, you will be competing against other GCs whose backgrounds and qualifications are every bit as good as yours. If you are an Executive Vice President, COO or CEO, you are competing against the best and the brightest. Prevailing against a competitive set of this caliber requires a Competitive Edge.
If you are a law firm attorney and are seeking an in-house role, the competition is fierce. Over the years, a substantial percentage of our more than 2,000 clients have sought to change from law firms to in-house legal or in-house legal and business positions. The Competitive Edge program was created to give these clients an advantage in that very difficult market.